Zine Directory

This is a directory for all things related to Insectarium; from contributors to website assets to the bug species in our promo graphics!


Lorin Parker (head mod): WebsiteTumblr

More contributors will be added once the Contributor Application period is finished!

Web Assets

Gingham Background: Websets by Lynn

Header Font: Halloween Greetings (Kaylee Rowena)

Beetle gif: Bonnibel's Graphic Collection


Australian Cicada (promo graphics): thopha saccata

Fire Ant (site dividers, promo graphics): fire ant (no specific species)

Firefly (header images): photuris lucicrescens

Giant African Mantis (header images): sphodromantis viridis

Giant Stag Beetle (header images): lucanus elaphus

Hawk Moth (promo graphics): laothoe populi

Leaf Insect (header images): phyllium bonifacioi

Pill Beetle (profile picture): simplocaria semistriata

Pill Millipede (header images): glomeris marginata

Silverfish (promo graphics): lepisma saccharinum

Sugarbag Bee (promo graphics): tetragonula carbonaria

Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar (header images): papilio machaon

Tobacco Grasshopper (header images): atractomorpha crenulata

Yellow Banded Bumblebee (header images): bombus terricola

Yellow Banded Millipede (header images): anadenobolus monilicornis